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May 2024

The Old Man is Dead

When the Apostle Paul wrote about our “old man” being crucified and dead, what did he mean? And what impact do those words have for a Christian today?

There are a lot of people who talk about their old man being dead, only to say it resurrects every morning. That’s because they’re still identifying with having a fallen sinful nature. That is detrimental to Christian growth.

Proverbs 23:7 says, “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” If you think you’re still dead in trespasses and sins while also having a new nature, then you’re schizophrenic. It’s just a matter of time until that old nature dominates you again because that’s who you think you are.

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The Old Man is Dead

Have you ever heard the sinful nature called the “old man”, and that it dies when you’re born again? Unfortunately, many Christians believe their “old man” is resurrected every morning. Getting a real revelation that you have been freed from an old fallen nature will have radical implications for your life. Your entire nature has been changed—from sinner to saint!

In Andrew’s teaching The Old Man Is Dead, learn that your nature is no longer driving you to sin but toward the new person God made you to be!

In this message, you’ll learn:
• The purpose of the Law
• What it means to be a new creature
• The power of sin is broken
• The truth that sets you free

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