September 2024
Hebrews: Living in the New Covenant Reality
Do you struggle with a performance mentality—feeling like you must always do something to please God? The truths found in the book of Hebrews will usher you into a new relationship with God, where your identity is in Jesus and what He has already done for you.
In the teaching Hebrews: Living in a New Covenant Reality, you will find hundreds of insightful notes from our Living Commentary that will help you understand how to live by faith.
You will also learn more about:
- The difference between the old and new covenants
- The sufficiency of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sin
- Experiencing victory in this life through Jesus
- Relating to God by grace and faith, not works
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Hebrews: Living in the New Covenant Reality
If Hebrews isn’t one of your favorite books of the Bible, then you might be missing a key aspect of grace. The same goes for Romans and Galatians. These three books are fundamental to grasping
the essence of the New Covenant.
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